Category: Planning

Guest Post at “Can I Retire Yet?”//Using Your Home to Retire Earlier

About three years ago, in the third post ever published on this site, I thanked six bloggers who forever changed my life by shifting my mindset and providing financial education that set me on the path to financial independence and early retirement. Today, I am excited to share a guest post I wrote for one […]

July Update//Achieving Our Goals and Managing Our Fears

After a few months of flirting with it, we finally crossed the line of having investments exceed 20X our current annual spending. This was our original goal. We achieved it three months after our original target financial independence day. Our initial reaction was excitement and joy. Then we started thinking a bit about what these […]

Do You Need Help To Achieve Financial Independence?

When we started down our path to financial independence and early retirement (FIRE), we made many massive investing mistakes which I have documented extensively. My primary purpose in starting this blog was to become a consumer advocate to help educate others to avoid our mistakes. I also wanted to share our story to challenge long […]

There Is No “Risk-Free” Option

I recently swapped guest posts with Jared Casazza at “Fifth Wheel Physical Therapist”. Jared in turn got a response to my guest post written by Joe Reinke, CFA. Joe’s post critiqued how I manage risk and offered an alternative strategy. I disagree with the premise and conclusions strongly. However, I am happy to share opposing […]

March Update//Trusting Your Process

Our assets as a multiple of our annual spending have reached their all-time high at 18.7X, up from 17.9X last month. This 18.7 number is actually artificially low as we’ll show below. Breaking Down The Numbers On the assets side, there was not much change. Our portfolio was up by .82% over the past month, […]

From 6-Figure Debt To Financial Independence In Less Than 5 Years

Today I am bringing you a guest post courtesy of Jared Casazza, who writes the blog “Fifth Wheel Physical Therapist“. He is a just starting his career  as a PT while working to rapidly achieve financial independence. He recently reached out to me due to our shared career and interest in FIRE. We quickly hit […]

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